Intersection Control Changes to Motter Ave & West 9th St – Frederick Pulse

The City of Frederick is pleased to announce upcoming changes to improve traffic and pedestrian safety at the Motter Ave & West 9th St intersection as part of the Traffic Calming Project (CIP #340009).

Concerns regarding safety at this intersection have been raised by residents for many years, particularly since it serves as a crucial walking route for students attending North Frederick Elementary School. The current layout, which features STOP control only on the West 9th St approaches, has contributed to confusion among drivers and near misses involving pedestrians.

In response to these safety concerns, a comprehensive engineering study was conducted in accordance with the FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The study reviewed crash data, traffic operations, and traffic flow at the intersection. 

Key Recommendations from study for interim implementation:

Installation of All-Way STOP Control: Scheduled for September 2024Ongoing Monitoring: The City will monitor traffic operations at this intersection and adjacent roadways to evaluate the potential for further enhancements, including the option of a mini-roundabout.

For more information on the Traffic Calming Project and to access the full Traffic Study & Analysis Report, please visit [City’s Traffic Calming Project Page].

Thank you for your attention to this important safety initiative!

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