FREDERICK, Md. – People are invited to attend outreach meetings this fall to help shape the future of Frederick County’s commercial centers. The Investing in Workers & Workplaces Plan is a joint initiative of the Livable Frederick Planning & Design Office and the Frederick County Division of Economic Opportunity. The goal of the plan is to identify commercial centers, redevelopment opportunities, and barriers to enhancing commercial tax revenue in Frederick County. Critical factors that influence economic success in a community, such as housing availability, transportation access, and educational/training opportunities, also will be considered. The goal is to ensure employment growth areas maintain a sense of place and are a positive investment for the entire county, while meeting the needs of workers and employers.

County Executive Jessica Fitzwater encourages all to attend, noting that “Our planning efforts shine the brightest when developed with engaged, committed, and knowledgeable members of the community who are willing to share their understanding of the complex issues, difficult challenges, and enticing opportunities that will shape the future of Frederick County.”

Livable Frederick and Economic Opportunity staff will host initial outreach meetings for the Investing in Workers & Workplaces Plan beginning in September. In this early, information-gathering stage, the public can learn about the purpose of the plan, as well as provide comments to staff. As with previous Livable Frederick plans, people will be invited to participate as the plan is developed during Planning Commission workshops, during the Planning Commission’s public hearing process for their draft document, and again as the Planning Commission’s Recommended Plan moves forward through the legislative process with the County Council.

Several dates and times are offered to accommodate schedules. The outreach meetings will otherwise be identical. Members of the public do not need to attend more than one event to be informed and offer comments. Meetings will be held at the Prospect Center, 585 Himes Ave., in Frederick, on the following dates:

  • Thursday, September 19, 6 – 8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2 – 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 2, 6 – 8 p.m.

For additional information, please visit .


Livable Frederick Planning Manager


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