New Program Helps Seniors Find Services, Resources

Per the Frederick County, Government, a new program has launched to help vulnerable seniors stay in their homes:

Frederick County’s Division of Aging and Independence has launched a new program to help vulnerable seniors stay in their homes. In its first few months, the Service Coordination for Seniors Program connected more than 100 residents to resources and services. The results-based approach provides seniors with a trusted person who can develop individualized plans to address what matters most to clients. The new program will be highlighted next month at a national conference on aging.

“Service Coordination for Seniors is already making a difference in our community,” County Executive Jessica Fitzwater said. “By meeting people where they are, our staff is helping seniors connect with vital services. One person didn’t realize he qualified for a veteran’s pension, and another found an apartment they could afford. By working together, we are creating a higher quality of life for our seniors.” 

How Service Coordination for Seniors Works

Service Coordination for Seniors focuses on the individual. The senior is assigned a service specialist, who will work one-on-one with the person to develop a plan for their specific needs. The specialist assesses the person’s risk of falling, their sense of loneliness and isolation, and other factors that may impact their health. A support plan is designed, services with various agencies and community partners are lined up, and tasks may be managed on behalf of the senior. Needs may be long-term or immediate. In a third of all cases seen so far, urgent needs such as housing, nutrition, health care, and transportation have been identified.  

During the program’s soft launch, 116 Frederick County residents aged 60 or older joined. More than 1 in 9 are veterans. Half report income below the federal poverty level. To date, these 116 residents have been provided a combined 1,286 units of service. To learn more, visit or call the Division of Aging and Independence at 301-600-1234.

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